Giving & Tithing

Worship the Lord through Giving & Tithing

Giving to Mount of Olives Church supports our ministries in the community and around the world. Thank you for your generosity.

"Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need." - Malachi 3:10

"The world of the generous gets larger and larger" - Proverbs 11:24a

Ways to Give

Give On Campus

Place gift in Offering Basket passed during Worship Services, or place in "Book Drop" next to front doors of Church Office. 

Place check or cash in an envelope labeled with your information so the gift can be recorded to your Giving Statement for tax purposes. Please also note on the envelope or in the check memo for the fund/ministry to which you'd like to direct the giving.

Mail Giving or Send Via Your Bank's Online Bill Pay

Mount of Olives Church

24851 Chrisanta Drive

Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Give Online

One Time or Recurring Giving

Click Here

Text to Give from your Smartphone

Text "moogive" to "77977" from your smartphone

Non-Cash Gifts

You can donate stock, or other assets (i.e. stock, land, vehicle, equipment) to the church, often with tax benefits. Contact Robin Horton, Business Administrator, for details.


Manage Existing Giving

If you already have an online giving account, you can manage gifts and print statements here. Login to PushPay

Giving Statements

Giving Statements are emailed to the email address you've shared with the church by the end of January for the previous year. If you do not receive your Giving Statement via email by early-February, you can contact Robin Horton, Business Administrator, for assistance.

Giving Funds Explanation

  • Faith Promise - General Fund
    By contributing to the "Faith Promise - General Fund," you support the work of our church in our community and around the world.
  • Mortgage Fund
    By contributing to this "Mortgage Fund," you help pay down the mortgage as well as several other facilities maintenance and improvement projects.
  • Rock
    By contributing to this "Rock" fund, you help fund student scholarships and fun projects and activities.
  • Children's Ministry
    By contributing to this "Children's Ministry" fund, you help fund student scholarships and fun projects and activities.
  • Namibia Ministry
    By contributing to this "Namibia Ministry" fund, you help us share the gospel of Christ in communities around the world.
  • Namibia Mission Trip 2024
    By contributing to this "Namibia Mission Trip 2024" fund, you help fund the 2024 mission trips.
  • Namibia Education Fund
    By contributing to this "Namibia Education Fund," you fund financial assistance and Christian mentorship to young people in Namibia.
    By contributing to this "SHARE" fund, you fund purchase of food donations for Southwest Community Center and South County Outreach which both serve families in crisis in our Orange County community.
  • MOO Foundation
    By contributing to this "MOO Foundation" fund, you're providing a legacy gift. The Foundation Trust is invested and only the interest proceeds are used for special projects and programs at the church. Learn more about the Mount of Olives Foundation.
  • Adult Day Program Donation
    By contributing to this "Adult Day Program Donation" fund, you help fund special projects and activities at our Adult Day Program, a ministry serving adults and seniors with Alzheimer's and Dementia.

Automated Giving

Here’s what we’ve noticed:  In most areas of our lives, when something is important, we give generously to it, but when it is really important, we give money automatically. Think about the things we prioritize: retirement, savings, mortgages, bills, etc. Many of us have set these up to occur automatically. It makes sense to use the same type of system when it comes to giving to the Lord's Work.


Consider Paul’s message to the church in 1 Corinthians 15:1-2:

“Now about the collection for the Lord’s people: Do what I told the Galatian churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.”


Would you join with us and pray about setting up a portion of your giving via automated/recurring giving? There are many benefits to both givers and the church:

  1. You can give generously even if you are sick or traveling.
  2. We can better predict our budget for supporting ministries and the needs of our community.
  3. Even if you worship online only and can't gather in-person, we can still help people in need. (Often in severe weather or during a crisis, the need in our community increases.)


Recurring giving is easy to set up and can be done through our online system - click here. Or it can be set up through your bank's website. (Credit, debit, ACH, and bill pay are all easy options for recurring giving.)

Contact Robin, Business Administrator, or Janet, Accountant, with any questions.