You're Invited to Mount of Olives!

Plan Your Visit

We invite you to visit Mount of Olives Church this Sunday! 

We intentionally plan every service and can't wait to meet you! 

Here's what you can expect this Sunday: 

- Safe, clean & fun experience for kids

- Passionate worship experience

- Bible based messages with practical application

Mount of Olives Church in Mission Viejo, CA, offers vibrant programs for kids and teens, Small Groups to connect in Christian Community and study God’s Word, and Bible-based messages and worship every weekend

Join us Sunday for a Church Service

Our pastors and worship team strive to lead all who attend in a meaningful worship experience with a firm foundation in God's Word each week.

Sunday Service Schedule

Sundays 8:30am (spirited traditional worship)

Sundays 9:45am (modern worship)

Sundays 11:00am (modern worship)

Plan Your Visit

Kid City Children's Service

Offered during Sunday services at 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00am

Kid City children's ministry is for children in preschool-5th grade and they enjoy activities, fun, games and a Bible lesson in our Kid City Building and Playground facility.

+ Nursery Care is available for babies and toddlers during all services. 

Pre-Register Your Child Before Attending Kid City to save time when checking in before church.

Pre-Register with Kid City

Rock Student Services

Our Student Ministry is housed across the street from the church's main campus in The Rock and gathers Sundays for Bible study, worship and small groups. 

Sunday Night Student Ministries - All students in 6th - 12th grade gather in The Rock from 6:00-7:30pm on Sunday evenings for worship, hear a message and break into Small Groups by age for additional Bible study. No pre-registration needed, students can just show up!

Also on Sunday mornings at 9:45am - students are invited to Worship Together, and attend the 9:45am service at Mount of Olives Church. Students will gather and sit together during these services.

Learn More About The Rock

New here? Attend a church service!

We want to know you and send you information about Mount of Olives.

Let us know you plan to worship with us!

Sunday Messages

Join us for a church service on Sunday! Worship services are offered at Sundays 8:30am (spirited traditional worship), 9:45 & 11:00am (both modern worship). One of our pastors will bring a message and we'll participate in musical worship led by our worship team. 

Every Sunday, Kid City is offered during all services for children 5th grade and younger. Our student ministry offers a middle school and high school Bible study on Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm, across the street at The Rock.

Join us for a worship service at Mount of Olives Church!

February Message Series 2025

On Sundays in February, our message series will go in depth into the power of community. We will look at why Christian community matters and is the most important form of community for us looking at why God has called us into community and how to go deeper into Christian Community.  

Want to hear a sermon from one of the pastors and worship along with us? 

Watch our most recent online service or peruse through past messages in our video library on YouTube.

Watch a Sermon


Frequently Asked Questions

about Mount of Olives Church

We invite you to join us for church! Review some info below addressing Frequently Asked Questions, as you prepare to worship with us on campus

  • Services take place in the Worship Center at Mount of Olives Church is located at:

    Mount of Olives Church

    24772 Chrisanta Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92691

  • Sundays 8:30am (choir led, spirited traditional worship)

    Sundays 9:45am (modern worship)

    Sundays 11:00am (modern worship)

    Weekend services typically last one hour.

    Each week, our worship team and pastors strive to lead our congregation in a meaningful worship experience with a firm foundation in God's Word.  Song lyrics and Bible verses are displayed on screens.

    *Holidays usually have a special service schedule posted.

  • Kid City at Mount of Olives Church is designed just for kids during worship services! Children enjoy fun and fellowship as they learn Bible stories, engage in large and small group discussions, play games, do arts and crafts, and make new friends. 

    We've created a fun and safe environment for them by implementing a check-in system. Skip the wait on Sunday morning and fill out our registration form prior to your first visit. For the safety of your children, all attendees must be registered before participating in Kid City programming.

    Pre-Register for Kid City

  • Our Student Ministry is housed across the street from the church's main campus at The Rock and gathers Sundays for Bible study, worship and small groups. 

    Sunday Night Student Ministries: All students in 6th-12th grade gather in The Rock from 6:00-7:30pm on Sunday evenings for worship, hear a message and break into Small Groups by age for additional Bible study. No pre-registration needed, students can just show up!

    Also on Sunday mornings at 9:45am - students are invited to Worship Together, and attend the 9:45am service at Mount of Olives Church. Students will gather and sit together during these services.

  • There is a front lot and rear lot, street parking, parking across the street in The Rock lot (our student ministry building and church office), and extra parking in the Stratford School lot (across the street) and in the Chrisanta Courtyard lot (next door). 

    Look for directional signage or a member of the Weekend Team for help.

  • Come just as you are. We’d like you to be comfortable - whether that is dressed in shorts and a tanktop, suit and tie or anything in between.

  • The campus is wheelchair accessible, and wheelchair seating is available in the Worship Center. Ask a Weekend Team Member for assistance when you get to campus.

  • We offer Nursery Care during all services for children 3 years and younger. You can pre-register for Nursery Care Online.

    A soundproof cry room is available in the Worship Center for parents with small children to still view and participate in the service without concern of disrupting others. You're also welcome to step outside onto The Courtyard anytime.

    There is also a space in the Nursery available for Nursing Mothers, ask a Weekend Team Member or at the Kid City checkin.

  • Typically, we receive Communion during all weekend services the first Sunday of the month. All who have a faith in Jesus as their Savior are welcome to participate. The pastors will instruct and direct attendees during the service.

    To learn more about Holy Communion, watch this sermon from Pastor Jim Reynen.

    We typically offer a class for students in 5th grade (or older), led by our Student Ministry Director, in the spring of each year instructing students in the meaning of Holy Communion. They then receive their First Communion the following month.

  • This space located off the Courtyard, is typically open during all Sunday worship services. You can stop in for a specialty coffee, iced tea or purchase books recommended for reading by the pastors. 

    Free coffee is available on a coffee card just inside The Hub on Sunday mornings.

Plan Your Visit to Mount of Olives Church Today! We can't wait to see you!