At Mount of Olives, we believe that we serve the living, inspirational, creative God ( “In the beginning, God created…” - Genesis 1:1). Our weekly worship services are a collaboration of music, visual arts, liturgy, creative movement, dramatic arts, and technical arts. Since there is no, one “correct” way to worship God, we incorporate different styles of worship into our different services.
Worship Arts
Modern Worship
The worship team at Mount of Olives leads all those in attendance in worship during services.
We are in constant prayer that God would be in the middle of everything we do, and for those attending a service and musicians alike to come prepared to offer up our “sacrifices of praise” (Hebrews 13:15) with a heart of service and gratitude.
Worship services featuring modern worship led by a band and singers are offered Sundays at 9:45 and 11:00am.
For more info on how to become a part of worship at Mount of Olives Church, contact Miles Smith, Worship Arts Director.
Spirited Traditional, Choir-Led Worship
Spirited traditional, choir-led worship is offered Sundays at 8:30am at Mount of Olives Church and generally reflects our Lutheran heritage. The service includes some worship elements like spoken liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship, choir, hymns, and more simplified modern music accompanied by organ, piano, etc.
Singers high school-age and older are invited to join the choir. Contact the Choir Director, Dr. Judd Bonner for more information.
Music Streaming Now
Check out music recorded by the Mount of Olives Worship Team - Available Now Everywhere Music is Streaming!
"MHK" (2019)
"Go Tell It" (Christmas, 2019)
"Sanctuary" (2020)
"House of Miracles" (2024)
When on streaming sites and apps, search for "Mount of Olives".
Mount of Olives on Apple Music
Mount of Olives on Amazon Music
Join us weekly for an online service available Sundays at 9:45am.
You can also watch recorded messages and past services on our YouTube channel anytime.
Volunteer to Serve
Volunteer to serve with the Weekend Audio/Video Team. This team brings sound and video to services on campus and films services for online viewing - so that people can worship from home.
No experience necessary, we'll train you to operate a camera or computer program. Email us for more info.