Missions Ministry

We strive to serve and be witnesses for Christ by unleashing compassion in our church, community, country and world. Some ways we do this at Mount of Olives is by supporting the Christ's Hope International CarePoint in Keetmanshoop, Namibia financially as well as by providing educational and Christian mentor support to the orphans. We also support mission work in Eastern Europe and Honduras by sending missionaries and support.

The Missions Ministry typically meets at 11:00am the first Sunday of each month on the church's courtyard - all are invited to attend to learn more and get involved.

2024 Mission Trips

In 2024, 1 Missions Team traveled to Honduras, and 2 Missions Teams traveled to Namibia. 2024's teams also set up a new computer computer lab in the Carepoint in Keetmanshoop, Namibia, so the students can learn basic computer skills to help them with future work and/or furthering their education. 

2025 Mission Trips

In 2025, Missions teams will travel to Honduras and Namibia.  Contact Andrea Karsh, Missions Ministry Leader with questions.

Give Online to Support 2025 Mission Trips

Missions Fundraisers

Easter Breakfast Fundraiser

Sunday, April 20, 8:30am-12:00pm

This is an annual fundraiser for the Missions Ministry on Easter Sunday. Thanks to all who support missions work by donating and purchasing a meal!

Tickets Available Soon

Blood Drive & Bake Sale Fundraiser

Next Blood Drives: Sunday, May 18th & September 21st, 8:30am-1:00pm

Sign-up or drop-in to donate blood to our local blood banks and stop by the Bake Sale! Plus - LifeStream donates $$ to our ministry for each blood donation.

Thanks to all who participate in our Blood Drive & Bake Sales!

Oktoberfest Fundraiser

Saturday, October 11, 2025
Thank you to all who come out to our annual Oktoberfest Fundraiser, and thank you to all who offer year round support to our Missions Ministry!

2025 Details & Tickets available Late-Summer

Evergreen Wreath Sales Fundraiser

Thanks to all who supported the Missions Ministry! 

Dates & Details Coming Soon for 2025

Contact Andrea Karsh with questions at akarsh@uci.edu

Namibia Ministry

The Potter's House CarePoint in Keetmanshoop, Namibia

Mount of Olives Church (MOO) is partnered with Christ's Hope International (CHI) to help support The Potter's House CarePoint in Keetmanshoop, Namibia. 

Formerly, MOO supported The Ark Keetmanshoop, which was an orphanage for AIDS affected orphans on the same property as The Potter's House. CHI has moved away from the group home model and towards the more effective CarePoint model. It has been discovered that children prefer to live in smaller family unit settings (extended family, foster family, etc.) versus a large group setting. 

The children attend the CarePoint in the afternoons after school and receive the benefits listed below. Through the CarePoint, children grow up to be Cycle Breakers, breaking the cycle of AIDS and its effects, and break the cycle of poverty, living longer, healthier lives. 


  • Hot nutritious meals
  • Medical evaluations and care/HIV testing
  • HIV testing and monitoring
  • Hygiene standards education
  • AIDS awareness training
  • Home monitoring to ensure safe homes with clean water, food, mattress


  • Spiritual mentoring
  • Face-to-face counseling
  • Robust and ongoing Bible study program
  • "Genesis Design" sexual purity training


  • Tutoring/educational tools
  • Measurement of academic achievement
  • The spread of HIV is reduced
  • Opportunity to know and grow in Christ

MOO practices its partnership by helping secure sponsors for the children, sending mission teams to the CarePoint to provide educational and medical assistance and helping fulfill other needs as they arise.

Give to Namibia Ministry

For more information and to find out how to get involved, contact Andrea Karsh at akarsh@uci.edu or 949-303-9788.

Namibia Education Fund

The Namibia Education Fund provides financial assistance and Christian mentorship to about 30 teenagers and young adults in Namibia. These children grew up like siblings in the Christ's Hope International orphanage "The Ark at Keetmanshoop" supported by Mount of Olives Church, and were later placed in foster care or distant relative care when the orphanage closed and the program was redesigned in 2013 to become an after-school carepoint. Now, these children are in tertiary education, have jobs and/or have their own families. The Namibia Education Fund now focuses on teenagers at the carepoint to prepare them for life after the carepoint. 

With the assistance of a social worker in the country who used to be a house parent at the orphanage, the MOO Namibia Ministry started its own non-profit in Namibia called "Lives Fortified for Christ" and is able to provide the following services:

  • Financial assistance, from school supplies and winter jackets to tertiary education (trade school, vocational training, college)
  • Homework Help, Career Guidance, Workshops, Internships
  • Christian Mentorship
  • Christian Reunion Camps
  • Spreading Love and Hope with birthday and Christmas gifts and MOO Church team visits in the country

Our goal is for each of these children to become a cycle-breaker in their world of poverty, alcoholism, and AIDS, and to become a Christian leader in their own beautiful country!

Give to Namibia Education Fund

For more information and to find out how to get involved, contact Andrea Karsh at akarsh@uci.edu or 949-303-9788.

East European Ministry

Mount of Olives partners with Spiritual Orphans Network (previously known as East European Mission Network - EEMN) to do ministry in Slovakia and Ukraine.

Spiritual Orphans Network Connects Spiritual Orphans to the Global Family of Christ - by building relationships through Christian missions to former communist and Soviet bloc nations that Engage, Reclaim and Transform lives in Christ!

Support for Ukraine

Please help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine by donating to the SON Ukraine Special Fund. This fund will help offset costs associated with evacuation and other emergency expenses.

Click Here to Donate

Our Slovakia mission teams work with SEM (Fellowship of Lutheran Youth) which is a working partner in Puchov and the Vranov English camps. SEM also organizes SEMFEST - a national open air festival with Christian concerts, seminars, lectures, outdoor activities, food and games, conferences, the Perfect in Christ study program, Helping Hand - a mission driven outreach that helps and supports local and regional youth groups and Meet God, an intense Bible study and competition project.

Our teams also work with EVS (The Slovakia Evangelistic Center), which is an independent mission organization, related closely to the Slovak Lutheran Church, whose purpose is to spread the Gospel of the Lord throughout Slovakia in a number of ways. EVS staff are involved in translating well known English language Christian books into the Slovak language for publishing, publish Christian literature and devotionals, producing TV documentaries, Gypsy community outreach, prison ministry, running various website chatrooms and blogs with Christian teaching and facilitating yearly mission-based conferences. 

For more information or to find out how to get involved with ministry in Slovakia and Ukraine, please contact Victor Standke, victor.standke09@gmail.com

Honduras Ministry

Mount of Olives Church is partnered with BMDMI (Baptist Medical and Dental Missions International) to help support Good Shepherd’s Children Home in Honduras.

The Good Shepherd Children’s Home (GSCH) exists to provide a Christian home where abandoned, abused, and neglected children can live in a safe and clean environment; where they can receive proper nutrition; where they will be loved; where they will receive an education; and most importantly, where they will learn about Jesus Christ. 

In 2019, we sent two mission teams to GSCH, and our third, and largest team yet, was scheduled for the summer of 2020, and is rescheduled, due to COVID-19, for the summer of 2022. We sent $1300 that was raised for the 2020 mission trip to GSCH to pay to replace washing machines that had reached the end of their useful life.

For more information or to find out how to get involved with ministry at Good Shepherd Children’s Home, please contact ministry volunteer leaders: Xavier Elizarraras at xandae@hotmail.com or John Harrison at mensministries@moochurch.org.