Wanted: 10 Brave Christians

Who for One Month Will:

1 - Meet once a week to learn howto pray. (90 min)

2 - Serve at least 2 hours in the church each week and do a daily good deed. (self-surrender)

3 - Give God 1/10 of your earnings for one month. (self-denial)

4 - Spend from 5:30-6:00am each morning in prayer and the study of Scripture. (self-control)

5 - Witness about your experience with God to others.

The Great Experiment lasts one month

Next Dates To Be Announced Soon!

Come & See Meeting

The Great Experiment lasts one month.  

Interested in participating in The Great Experiment? Not sure, but want to learn more?

Borrow a "Participant Primer Book" to learn more about the program. Pick one up on the courtyard after a Sunday service.

Additional questions? Email our team at community@moochurch.org

Before The Great Experiment begins, attend a brief "Come & See Meeting" on a Sunday morning (approximately 5 minutes) immediately after attending a service outside the side double doors on The Courtyard to hear details, and if you sign up, receive the "Participant's Notebook."