Palm Sunday Services
Sunday, April 5, 2020
8:30am PDT - Traditional Worship
9:45am PDT - Contemporary Praise Worship
On Palm Sunday we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem just days before he was crucified on the cross.
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 7:00pm PDT
Maundy Thursday reminds us of Jesus' last supper with His disciples before He gave His life for us.
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 10, 2020 at 7:00pm PDT
Good Friday reminds us of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross at Calvary to forgive our sins.
Easter Services
Sunday, April 12, 2020
8:30am PDT - Traditional Worship
9:45am PDT - Contemporary Praise Worship
On Easter we celebrate the HOPE we have in the loving grace of Jesus Christ, because of His death on the cross and Resurrection three days later.
*Services available online anytime after their original stream